For the first time in several years, our Magnolia tree BLOOMED.. In the past it wold start to bloom and then we'd get another cold snap and it would freeze all the buds and then they would die... This year, we had enough warm days in a row that it was able to bud AND bloom.. It is SO pretty, and I love the way it is white showing up against our new front door... Take a peek.. It is getting SO huge - when we first bought and planted it, roughly 8 years ago, it was shorter than me. Now it's reaching up to the second story windows!

And I ALSO know it is Spring because we had a hell of a storm last night and there is not one petal left on the tree (rain, hail and winds of 25mph+) will do that to a pretty Magnolia..
Now, we have to wait for the flowering Bradford Pear, the flowering Crab Bush and a beautiful scented flowering Crab Tree to bloom....
It never occurred to me that you could grow a magnolia up there--that is such a southern tree. It does look pretty.
Our bradford pears are filled out already
Our bradford has sprouted some buds and they are trying to open - but supposed go down to 37 tonight - I hope they don't all get zapped...
Magnolias are quite popular up here - pretty hardy
Absolutely beautiful front entrance. Can't wait to see the other trees.
Horticultural lesson: there are two ( probably many) magnolias that I know of and Lorna's does bloom in the north and they generally are abundant up there.
Had one that bloomed in a flood in Antioch Il one year.
That is a gorgeous tree!
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