I had a bad weekend... (or at least bad Saturday)...
I had A vet out on Friday to review a continuous issue with my filly's front leg(s) - take your pick - on any given day she is either as sound as a dollar or lame as a three legged table... On Wed, lame, and of course, on Friday am when vet was there, sound as anything else in the barn and was lunged for over 40 minutes...
So, Saturday, 15 min into my ride with our trainer, at a NICE, SOFT, EASY trot her leg collapses and we go DOWN.. I swear to GOD and all that is Holy, that I thought when she got up and was holding the right leg straight out and it quivering and shaking like a leaf that she had broke her leg.. and that my Barn Owner/Buddy who is a cop was going to have to shoot her right then and there on the spot...
It's not broke. I'm bumped and bruised (thought I had cut my archille's tendon, however) but it is not.
So, back to the freaking drawing board... Xrays to come SOON to see if there is ANYTHING at all going on or she is just messing with my head.
In the meantime, I started a pair of socks, tried them on 2" down and they fit - get 3/4ths the way done and can't get them over my heel, ripped em out and am now on my 6th rendition of same sock trying to get the sizing to work.. Am NOT happy about that. I feel I have knit this pattern 3 whole socks already..

So, a group of us were thinking of knitting this one complex sock pattern by a designer named "Cookie A" - call Pomatomus - I affectionately refer to them as the "Potty socks" - So, to remove the bad spirits hanging over me, I have started working on this! And I like it. I like it alot. The Yarn is Socks That Rock in the Bleeding Hearts Colorway... Here's a pic of it started... And a closeup

And, to show that Spring is STILL here in Northern Illinois and that the bad storms this past week didn't A) kill the buds nor B) Blow them ALL off the tree is a picture of our beautiful white crab tree in our backyard... I have been after my dear, dear, dear hubby to make the area under the tree a NICE, LANDSCAPED, flower bed type location instead of some Day Lilly's stuck in the grass back there looking like well, use your imagination... And this has yet to happen... So, be sure to check back.. I'm in just one of those moods that I need to take out some aggression.... and get er done!
Be sure to let ALL of us (here) know how Jessie's leg turns out----socks, OMG, pretty color- and your tree is georgeous.
When time comes ( soon) will send you pics of my Irises! ! !
I bet you could put that agression to good use making a raised bed around the tree.
Since I worked on the landscaping at my house, I think I know everything
Well, I've not done a thing under that tree... Seems my aggression vaporized into stewing... So not much accomplished on any front the past 2 days..
Oh well.... Storms coming in tonight, so not much will be happening on that front the rest of the week.
Wha happened to "git-er-dun"
The git-er-dun, got up and went...
AW! hope it got "something" accomplished?
Good grief, are you attracted to the ground or something lady? I sure hope you get a positive verdict soon on those legs.
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