It always cracks me up when you make these as prior to felting they look like Bozo shoes (how many of you remember Bozo Circus)? They're HUGE and then you felt them (like putting a wool sweater in the washing machine and it comes out like a baby sweater - LOL)... They're pretty cool... SO KEWL (as Bree would say) that I made a pair for myself, but have to refelt them as they're not quite shrunk enough...
But, here is my Niece's pair (her favorite color is blue). They are made from the Lamb's Pride swirly and the Lamb's Pride has a touch of mohair in it which makes them have a little "fuzz" to them!

And these are my SIL's which are the same yarn in Purple. I'm not sure that purple was her favorite color, but, well, the purple was pretty cool... Thanks to my Niece for modeling. (My SIL is recovering from surgery)
It's cold today down where they live so I hope they're enjoying them. I have pics somewhere of a "shrug" - kind of a short cardigan style thingie that I originally had started making for myself - but didn't like the fit, but my Niece loved it so it is now hers..... I need to find where I put those...
And if Paige would EVER measure her head, (I don't think she wants a cool firefly hat) we'd have some neat modeling pictures of her as well....
Love the clogs. I am going to have to knit some of those soon!
I will get my head measured, I swear--
I actually really like those clogs, bet they keep the feet warm
They do - but, you always say how hot your feet are.........
Want a pair?
Very Kewl.
Kind of addictive, aren't they?
Those are beautiful Lorna. They look very warm and cozy. What a wonderful job you did making those. What a talent!
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