I had been knitting my fingers off before Christmas in between being sick to get "stuff" done and I'll be damned if I didn't take pics of 5 of the things... So, those will have to wait as I am at the mercy of the recipients to take photos...
But, here are the 2 "pencil vases" I made (slightly adjusted) from the Fiber Trends Vase pattern.. They're cute and Bree wanted them for her 2 favorite teachers. I made a 3rd one which I took down to Mom and Dad's to show Mom how to "felt". And again, I didn't take a picture - so, waiting for that one too! I also at the same time taught her how to make one, which she did while I was there to help. She'll send me a picture (someday) of that one too!
So, here are the 2 cuties:

The blue one is made with 2 strands of Lamb's Pride (one swirly color and one solid) and the red one is 2 strands of a mono-varigated Malabrigo (I love Malabrigo!!!!)....
I snapped this photo of my Brother being a goofball (thus the picture being publicized) of the hat I made using Jen's (Knitting Like Crazy - see link to the right) hand dyed superwash wool in Camouflage that I purchased from Peggy's (www.strandsofheaven.com). This yarn is one of the softest I've ever worked with, it was like my hands were getting lotion added to them as I knit the hat. Just a simple hunting hat which he infact is utilizing as we speak out hunting in Kansas - my SIL said she'd take a better picture of it when he returned.

I also completed this AG Tunic (knit for a future class at Peggy's). It's out of a Encore worsted yarn - fun to knit, fast and Bree loves it. I ended up making her one without the sleeves because it looks just like a tank top - I haven't taken a picture of that one as she has run off with it on her doll.

I still have all the inside Christmas decorations to take down.. which I dread because then it makes you realize that the "long" part of winter is still ahead.
My filly, Jessie, has been "lame" since the week before Christmas with an abcess (so we think/thought) but it has never reared its head yet and somedays she's as sound as a dollar (odd thing to say in this economy - but you know what I mean) and other days she is as lame as a 3 legged table (as my Barn Owner describes it). I'm thinking it was more of an ice bruise - as yesterday she was getting around much, much, much better on it - I was even tempted to ride her - but didn't. I wanted to wait for our farrier to come out to reset her but he was in a very bad accident. We don't know all the details yet, but the words, trampeled, crushed face and lost eye were in the description. How sad. Am thinking of you, Noel and your family.
My sinus' have/are going nuts as these weather swings are miserable. Just when you start getting over a headache, another front comes thru and whacks you again.
I'm working on an American Girl Doll Robe with some very icky yarn - cheap stuff - I hate it - but it is "robe-like" - bleck. Bree says she likes it so there you go.
I'm also working on a pair of Alpaca Boot Socks for my Brother (a Christmas present I started when we were in TN - had to measure him to get it right) and still have Bree's knee socks to finish. I'm to the point on her socks that I'm bored to death. The leg is SO long - all I think of when I work on them is "The wheels on the bus go round and round, round and round, round and round" - sing along and don't be mad at me that the song gets stuck in your head. Join the club.
See you have been busy!
I find Jessie's condition very screwy, I would sure want to see an xray after all this time. But I am a paranoid freak.
I was talking to Stacey about doing just that - we were holding off for the farrier to see what he found first, but, now, I think we'll get that done..
That is sure a bad deal about him, when did it happen? Do you have a backup farrier (man that feel tacky to ask)
He was supposed to be at the barn last monday when a guy he works with shoeing called and said he'd gotten hurt and wouldn't be there - I think from the initial conversation it sounded as if he'd be out at the end of this past week, the information started to unfold and this weekend the actual severity of his injuries was communicated. We do have other shoers we use on occasion so, that will be put in place - but, as Skeeter said, that can wait, we're just worried about our friend. I know how you feel about saying it and being tacky - but with all such things you have to have a backup plan -
So is he getting better?
Glad to see you back! LOVE the holders at the top of the page. I've referred Sarah Lou (daughter) to your blog as she got needles, yard and other craft-y things for Christmas. Who knew you could make such things?! Amazing.
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