First is her "Sheep Tote" - basically the pattern calls for you to needlefelt a "sheep" on the side - thus the name - it is simply a nice square tote - which for some reason my dear Mom continues to call a purse. This "purse" is big enough to store 4 purses... Doesn't make sense to me - but, if she likes calling it a purse - it's hers - so be it.
It's made holding 2 strands together of Lamb's Pride (Wool/Mohair - thus the "fuzzy" look) one is a "swirly" (I think they call it varigated - but I like calling it swirly) and the other is a solid blue. It's cute, I have one, they are so so so so functional - this is the "bigger" version of the one I did for Paige back in October.

The next is another pencil vase like I knit for Bree's Teachers - but, I made this one to teach Mom how to felt. I like the colors - I have enough yarn left over to make one for me - which I just might - once I finish all these silly things I have on needles as we speak (way too many for my usual way of conducting knitting business). It's made with 2 strands of Galway - one multi color and one solid. It's from the Plymouth Felted Vase pattern - just made a scoish shorter so pencils don't disappear (that happens enough in my house at least without losing them in a holder).

Then while in TN at Christmas, I taught Mom to make the vase and here's her rendition - it is also in a Galway pink mulit color and one strand of a solid. I don't think she's felted it enough (can see stitches as well as it's HUGE compared to the Turqouise one) - But, it's cute! I like the colors in this one as well. In her vase, is also a flower she knit and felted from a kit she purchased when she was here in April - cute isn't it?
Speaking of on the needles... I made a vase like the above for Peggy's as a shop sample and am making a "jewelry box" one -also a Plymouth Pattern, but have to get more yarn - Am making it out of Malabrigo worsted (yum - still I think my all time favorite multi use - good for anything yarn). So, have to finish that.
I finished my felted clogs last night - have to felt them, THEN, I'll take pics of my "happy feet". I am alos 57 rows of stockinette on size 1 needles away from finishing Bree's KNEE socks - someone please - anyone - remind me NEVER EVER to make KNEE socks again - they take more than a LIFETIME. I also have figured out what I'm going to do (or in this case REDO) on my Brother's Alpaca Hunting socks - so, when I'm finished with the never-ending knee socks - then I'll turn my efforts to those.
I'm also working on an American Girl Doll Bathrobe, and I'm using the most disgusting to use yarn (I'm not a yarn snob, but this stuff is just gawd awful to work with - and yes, it is CHEAP yarn) - But, I couldn't find anything suitable and Bree liked it -Why did I even dream up the idea of letting her pick??? I'm not sure. I keep finding excuses to finish "other" things instead of just biting the bullet and knocking this out - afterall, the back is done, one front is done, and I'm on the 2nd front panel and that leaves the sleeves and collar - How difficult could it be to just "git er done"??? Afterall, it's just for an 18" doll - not like a human - ummm.. apparently VERY difficult. I was even trying to bribe my Wednesday night knitting group to each do a few rows on it and pass it around so that it gets done.. No one has taken me up on that offer - if that gives ANY indication as to how yucky this yarn is!
Well, speaking of which - I see Bree's never ending knee socks giving me the evil eye saying "knit me, knit me" (said in my best - which isn't very good) - Ron White "pick me" puppy voice...
So, I think I will listen to that voice - since it will save me from the gawd awful robe yarn....
I love the green color.
And what does your mom tote in such a big bag? That must have taken forever!
OK---glad for your compliment ( sp) comment! ! ! I too think the pinkish vase is too big so will take your advise-advice and refelt it. Just was in a big hurry as usual to "git-it-dun"
and yes, laugh for the day! ! 1
To both Lorna and Paige
I will put the ugly black purse inside the beautiful blue purse.
Naw, just have to retrain speech, vocabulary, idealogy, TO TOTE TOTE TOTE.
being the "crafty" person I am, I put crafts in it as "Have crafts will travel".
Enjoy Mom
I will do a few rows when I see you next....
Good thing you have the robo-washer. That's a lot of felting!
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