I think Bill got her motivated (well, I KNOW, Bill got her motivated) as he instituted a "reward" system.
Starting with the 2nd game of the season (which they lost by ONE point in the last minute of the game - after losing a 7 point lead) - he told her for every rebound or steal she got, he would give her $1 that she could spend anyway she liked.
I think she was trying hard as my Mom and Dad were in town from Tennessee and she was certainly trying to play well for her audience. She earned $5!!! She played much better! I love this "evil" eye look while defending her player..

Their third game (I forgot my camera as the game was at 8am on a Saturday morning and I hadn't had enough coffee yet) - She played PHENOMENAL!!!!! She made her FIRST basket! (had a HUGE grin on her face after that) - Had several rebounds, several steals and even slapped the ball away several times - So, Bill added knock aways for $.50 - She ended up with $10 for the day - (which she promptly spent on another webkinz) - LOL!
There was a particular play that both Bill and I were so proud at how TOUGH she is. There was a play where she stole the ball and was going on a fast break down the court - one of the other team's players in order to stop her - basically ran her over - she took a hard tumble. Now this week, they were playing at a school with one of those carpeted gym floors (how absolutely stupid, it is).. Anyway, she got up and continued on with the play for that quarter. The quarter buzzer sounded she went and sat down and grabbed her knee - now NONE OF US noticed it when she fell - but she totally and I mean, totally, tore up her entire knee - cross between a blister and a rug burn along with a goose egg knot - they called me over from the stands to help Dr her up and I was in AWE that she got up and kept playing and waited until there was a timeout to "hurt" -
Bill and I gave her an extra dollar for being tough!!! She was pretty dang sore for this entire past week and the swelling has gone down, but YEOUCH... The big old burn, scab looks nasty (even to me!)
They did win their game! Which was awesome!! So now, North Carolina Tar Heels are 2 and 1! Go TEAM! They play this Saturday at 10am - more to come - and since it is not so early, I'm guessing I'll have my camera along!
Congrats to her!
Those carpet floors are stupid--I cannot count the number of rug burns I have had from that---they do hurt!
This was the first one I've ever seen - Very odd... I realize in some of the smaller schools that these "gyms" double as other things thus the flooring is more versatile - but, geez, louise.
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