I began a quest for a pattern I thought she would like and that would be fun and good to use with this yarn. Well, I found a great backpack pattern - Cabin Fever's "Easy Felt Pack #704. So, when Bree started back to school, I started secretly knitting this (thus, the before mentioned secret projects in my blog posts - ie - Paige's Sheep Tote and Bree's backpack)
The intention was to have it ready for a birthday present (Bree's birthday is Oct 30). (note the word "intention").
I finished knitting it and had felted it and had it drying out in the sun on the patio one day, while I went about my wifely/motherly housekeeping duties. Then I went and picked Bree up from school, all the while FORGETTING that it was outside on the patio table drying.
We got home from school and Bree was getting a snack and she asked "what was out on the table" - OOPS... I said NOTHING she needed to be concerned about. She went upstairs to change out of her school clothes - so, being the great sneak I am, I grabbed it off the patio table and stuffed it into a cabinet I know she doesn't go into.
2 weeks later.. We're cleaning bunny cages (right before last weekend's trip to Ohio for the Quarter Horse Congress - another birthday present for her) and I asked her to go get some "bags" for garbage. She comes back with an ear to ear grin letting me know she found ONE of her birthday presents.. I laughed. My "sneakiness" and life got past me and I completely forgot I had stuffed the backpack into the cabinet 2 weeks earlier...
So, I told her she could have it as an early present - and she just LOVES it! I am so tickled that she thinks it is rather cool - as it is difficult with a soon turning 10 year old to figure out what she thinks is cool these days... (I'm not looking forward to those teenage years). She liked it so well, she decided NOT to take her regular jeans' purse to Congress, but to take her backpack instead and she took it EVERYWHERE with her!
So, here are some pictures!
This was made with the Queensland Collection Big Wave yarn 90% wool, 10% Cashmere - following the pattern mentioned above
Well, love that too. And I really like the way the colors turned out once it was felted.
Bree looks really cute with it, too.
Aw! It's the perfect size for her!
It's perfect. What a cute backpack! :)
That is CUTE!
that is too Cool!
I don't need to learn to knit I don't need to learn to knit I don't.....
Holly -
Yes you do! It is SO easy!!!!
Lorna are you trying to spend my money and use up my time?
I do not need to learn how to knit.....
I do NOT need to learn how to knit
I do not NEED to learn to knit.....
Holly - It's not a time waster at all - when you waiting for water troughs to fill, you can knit, when you are waiting for your pups to do their business, you can knit. I always have a project with me - just in case I have 5 minutes of waiting!!!!
Love love love that backpack. Those euro bags are what all the kids are using around here but none so original and funky as that. amazing cause I could never make something like that or if I did I'd realize I knitted a (live) cat into the scheme of things.
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