A 65 year old woman who received some money via an inheritance became an animal "hoarder" - which got way out of control (probably over a couple of years)
Things finally came to a head and animal control and Tails Humane Society ( http://www.tailshumanesociety.org )went in and confiscated over 100 dogs and over 130 cats. Unfortunately, that's not the worst of it. There were over 200 dead animals in the HOUSE. The lady had put them EVERYWHERE (freezer, containers, cabinets, etc.) The lady's first court date was yesterday and the hope was that she would sign over the rights to all the confiscated animals so, the next steps thru the humane society could be taken - but NO, believe it or not (and I still don't) she pleaded NOT-GUILTY to animal cruelty (is being held on 35,000 bond) and would NOT sign over the animals.
So, Monday morning I went out to the airport hanger (temporary shelter) to help do whatever, not knowing what to expect.. It just breaks your heart. The lady had to spend over 50,000 dollars on PUREBRED dogs, numerous breeds, nice animals - Corgi's, Great Pyrenese, Burmese Mtn Dogs, English Bulldogs, Beagles, Bassets, Cocker Spaniels, St Bernards, Huskies, Aussies, Pugs, a couple of Labs, Mastiff, Pekingese, Dachsunds, and the list continues.
They need to be fed, walked, cages cleaned, bathed, nails clipped - you name it they need it - and most of all LOVE and the understanding of life. Many never saw outside - don't know what concrete is let alone grass. Sad doesn't even begin to touch it.
I've spending as much time as possible - time permitting helping do whatever I can - I'm not doing anything special that anyone else who had time would do -
I haven't even had a chance to really see the cats, but they have Hims, Persians, Rag Dolls, Siamese, you name the high level breed, its there.
So many people have donated, come out and dropped supplies off - the overwhelming outpouring of humanity feels good. The media has been everywhere and infact, today, the story made the front page of the Chicago Tribune.
Here are some links: Of the dogs: http://www.thestitchincorral.com/indiancreek.htm
Links to news reports:
Photo gallery: http://www.chicagotribune.com/news/chi-071015animals-photogallery,1,1008614.photogallery?ctrack=4&cset=true
Bree is quite adamant about helping out too and since she only has a 1/2 day at school tomorrow, we will be heading out then.
We are also signed up to "foster" a little Corgi girl named "Marigold" - she's as sweet as can be - and her little ears don't even stand up - here's a few pics of her - this will only happen if the animals are turned over or the court rules this way -
As a last note, I do have 3 finished objects (knitting) to post - that is when I have time...
Hug your pets tonight!
When I saw the pics on your email, I had a feeling she would work her way into your pack. She's such a sweet girl, awwww!
Maggie says "Woof!", which means, God bless you, and good work. She remembers what it was like at the pound (and before she got there). We love you for doing this.
Oh, and if they get a couple of random packages from PetSmart, those are from me. Allegedly they shipped today - it's just some stuff off their wish list. Wish I could do more...
awwww, give her a cookie and a pat for me. You know Corgis have a special place in my heart......
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