But, here's a few things I CAN post about...
It's fall, let's admit it.. So, to kick off the new season - here's a cutie in honor of Hannibal the Deceased...
And a final picture of the fun I had making Gabi's (Paige's Niece) bootie socks - I had to get them completed so when I see Paige at the end of this month, I can give them to her
I have leftover yarn and bought a "solid" to match both that I think I'm going to try to make matching hats (gotta coordinate you know) - so, when she arrives in the US this fall/winter - she is 'stylin'!
Well, off to take some cough "stuff" - Bree got sinus/head cold this weekend and was home from school the beginning of the week, I started it yesterday and Bill is home today with it - So, I'll try NOT to spread cyber germs...
Now what you need to make Hannibals tribute comlpete is some bugs--that is what he has now.
The socks are cute! If Gabi is not home by Xmas, they are going to spend it there with her and they can take them with her
Uhh....I don't get the Hannibal thing.
Sarah - search Paige's blog for "Hannibal" - she had this HUGE pumpkin that basically squeezed all the little ones out (like a canibal) and got so big it killed itself - LOL!
Poor Hannibal....just not the pumpkin he should have been---such a shame
Ack! I love the pumpkin!!!
And the socks are wicked cute.
Love your blog. I am a knitter also. I just sold a blanket on ebay that I made.
Happy knitting ***
Ah! Hannibal looks soooo hamdsome. Good job! ! !
And the socks are so sweet.
Looking good. What's next?
I love the pumpkin!
I will see you Sunday with some Girl Scout Cookie yarn in hand. I will bring some other stuff too. :)
Have a great weekend!
The Gabi socks are adorable! And now you are going to make matching hats too! What a nice gift.
Oh Paige, just think Hannibal's seeds are spread in the earth below his withered up shell, and next year he will return!
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