So, in the meantime, I've moved on to the Sheep Tote (doing with 2 strands of Cascade Quatro and a Cascade 220) - and the pattern calls for 24" circs - well, unless you're doing it in a fingering weight it is tighter than I can even knit (and all will agree I knit TIGHT) - so, yesterday went to Peggy's in Plainfield and picked me up a 32" and all is well and I have the bottom finished and 10 rows out of 64 of the sides! It's an "easy" knit too which is nice!
I also while at Peggy's picked up my Addi's in size 1 to switch the Jaywalkers too - so, when I have a "quiet" moment, I will be doing that - I just don't know in my little pea of a brain WHY these Jaywalkers are causing me so much trouble - EVERYONE says how they are so easy to knit - well, not for me... I don't know why.. But, they are certainly on my "look cute, but HATE to knit" list!
But, I WILL (battle of the wills) get them DONE, DONE, DONE!
Then I will start the Koigu ones and a secret project for a good friend... She'll love it I'm sure - It's not horse related, but, it will be SO ugly it'll be pretty - I think based on that statement she'll know WHOM I'm speaking of...
We haven't been out to spoil the horses this week, just trying to get organized and situated and the holiday in the middle of the week really has us "thrown out of whack". I'm filling Bree's little pool up right now so it can warm up some before she jumps in - but, heck she doesn't care whatsoever - that kid can handle cold like a bathtub full of ice - brrrrr - it's supposed to be 90 here today so it might actually feel good....
And, tomorrow, I'm transporting probably 6 2lb baby pot bellied pigs from Springfield up to my house (meeting my friend Paige in Springfield who's picking them up from the breeder) and a bunch of horsey people up this way will be here tomorrow night to pick them up - This should be absolutely HYSTERICAL - considering the yuppy scumville neighbors I have - they'll hear those babies SQUEAL and think Oh geez, what have the rednecks next door brought home now? Sadly, they'll probably be here less than 4 hours.. It'd be fun to mess with their minds for the weekend.. hehehehe
Here's the one that I think Paige is getting.. Isn't he ADORABLE?

She's looking for "bad-ass" names for the little guy - and right now is liking Hercules - anyone else have ideas - you can post comment here or on her blog
Oh that is my BABY! I am kind of stuck on Hercules Hercules (clap while you are saying it), but definitely open to ideas.
Hot here today, and if I can get these projects done here at work, I too will be in a swimming pool.
Cannot wait to see you tomorrow---but I think we have to make sure we dont eat at a BBQ restaurant in honor of the pack of piggles
Don't forget the saddle pad in all your piggie excitement!
We should find a place that would let us bring the piggles IN to keep an eye on them! hahhahahaha
oh my gawd.. I hope paige posts the pic of her piggie with her hubby laying in bed on her blog - it is one of the cutest pics!
Dk - Bacon good..
When we met for lunch today - Paige absolutely REFUSED to go to Smokin Joes BBQ.. hahahahahah
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