Monday, September 14, 2009

A Fish for Caroline...

A friend of mine is having a baby this fall. She also has a 3 year old darling little girl named Caroline.

I made a Baby Surprise Jacket with matching hat for the new baby and Caroline loved the fishie buttons so much, she just sat down and buttoned and unbuttoned and buttoned and unbuttoned the little fishie buttons on this little jacket.

I thought she might be feeling left out - as she is the youngest of 4 (plus one coming) - and her older sibings are all boys...

So, I decided she needed something of her own! So, I started making this out of her favorite colors (pink, purple and yellow)... I planned on making it big enough to carry around, or in the car, or for naps, (like 30" x 36")etc.. Well, I got moving along and carried away (hard to believe, right?) and it turned out to be nearly 5' long and 4-1/2' wide! Almost big enough for a twin bed! It was made out of Hobby Lobby's "I Love This Yarn" and it is so soft and washable too!

While I was working on this, I came across this pattern... Who could resist a little fishie purse with little fishie buttons for a little girl in her favorite colors!

It has little fishie buttons (same as on the little jacket) on both sides.

Our Bunco group met at their house this past Friday so I gave them to Caroline. I think she was a little overwhelmed, but her Mom told me she LOVES purses. She just get hooking and unhooking the loop around the fishie buttons. It was so cute! She is just a doll.

I loved the look on her face as it was like "this is for me"?

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