We had a good summer (if you can call it that) - it never really did feel like summer as the weather was nothing like the past typical summers. I hope that does not indicate the type of winter we are going to be having...
Now the big challenge to get back into a routine. One good part about her going to middle school is that it has increased my day by about an hour and a half... Instead of leaving to take her to school at 8:50am, she leaves to catch the bus at 7:25am - I also don't have to go get into the car line at 3pm - she arrives home off the bus at 3:20pm. I know it doesn't seem like a lot of time, but it is amazing how much more time that it feels like I have.
I have missed her the past few days - I'm so used to her being around, seems eerily quiet - however, I'm sure I'll get over that pretty quickly - hahah - as I get into a routine myself!
We're in the great squirrel battle right now. I have been saying for months and months and months (longer than I can recall) that I thought we had squirrels living in the attic, but nope, no one believed me. Well, we do. One has been caught (I refer to him as rat no 1 with a tail - Bill calls him "Bastardo") - and this morning I had visual confirmation of rat no 2 with a tail chatting with rat no 1 with a tail while trapped - Here's a pic of Bastardo...

Anyway, one of my new routines is to blog more often. I figure between Bastardo no's 1 and 2 and recapping some of the summer and then with new things happening this school year, I should be able to have some interesting things (at least to me) to post.
Time for my no 2 cup of coffee!
1 comment:
Oh good----have another blog to read----
especially on the "saga" of the Squirrel Family
Knitting and spinning and the list goes on.
Enjoy Mom
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