Funny how the first one took me over THREE (yes 3 months) to finish and the 2nd MAYBE 10 days... Think the lightbulb went on finally - ah, yeup...
So, here are the Jaywalkers - My MOM just loves them, adores them, keeps talking about them, but due to some arthritis and bunyon issues, they don't fit her well - as otherwise they would be on her feet right now..
They are made out of a "2nd" of a Dream in Color yarn that I call Blue Jean - (they were messing with color ways - so its not really a real color - if that makes sense) - and I knit them on size 1's - I believe the hank is around 400 or so yards and I have a decent amount left over - not sure what to do with the left over... So, about a $20 Hank -
Here are the pictures -
I have NO idea why I'm curling my left toes in the above picture - odd...
So, I'm happy that I'll NEVER EVER EVER have to knit these again (except if Mom asks me too - LOL)
Jaywalkers are "riders in the big rig" so how did they get done so quick. In ole Tenn. it was working on the cuff.
Have you figured out how to KNIT AND DRIVE at the same time.
Speedy Susie has nothing on you when it comes to knitting.
These are not the ones I was working on at your house - these are the ones you tried on at MY house...
Love the socks! They are so pretty!
Oops and sorry about wrong Jaywalkers.
Wow! They turned out marvelously!
Seriously, they look fantastic. Now, don't ever make them again!
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