Well, one of Walter's favorite lines is "Dumbass" - said in kind of growling, raspy voice...
Walter would tell the yuppyville folks around us that they are King Dumbasses for thinking that the wild bunnies are "cute, fuzzie and adorable". If I hear "awww - look at the baby bunny" one more time, I swear I'm going to assault someone.
They need a slap to the head that these varmints are nothing but destructive, pain in the ass, disease carrying, overpopulated nuisances... And I have the damage pictures to prove it!

I thought about spraying the chewed area with the bunny repellant (when I would REALLY like to sit at my porch door and blast the little suckers to oblivion) but, then because I am NOT a dumbass realize if I close up that chewed picket to them, they'll chew elsewhere ruining my fence even further...
I'm going to have to get a stealth door for Bailey - she points those bunnies in a nanosecond like a radar and is as stealth like as a big cat (as in tiger, panther and the like) to "release the beast" in her to catch just one of these little varmints.
I have to figure out a way that the yuppyville (a friend refers to this town as "hoo-ville - from Horton hears a hoo - because it's just not "real" - hahah) joneses won't figure out if I'm zapping these guys with a pellet gun, pump bb gun or something of the like - I'd have to find a silencer for it - otherwise I'm sure I'd be arrested...
If you agree with me that these rats with fur are nuisances and should be dealt with, send bail money...
Rabbits did THAT? You saw them do it? I had no idea a rabbit would do that. With what? Those cute little teefers?
You should see what those bastard groundhogs are doing to stall #1 in the front barn at the farm--oy vey
You should see what they did to the wood trim around the garage overhead door - I'd take pics of that - but the big nasty already painted over it..
I think they need more fiber (gun-shell wad) in their diet!
Good grief---I am glad I DON'T LIVE in a city with "critters".! !
On other hand Paige lives in the "'country" too. Hmmm.
We have a Girleepup beastie that takes care of "moles'
Be happy to send bail money or knitting yarn
As we know, nature naturally balances things with a natural predator. Since that is what is lacking here, I would be more than happy to contribute to the bail fund....
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