A few times a week, on his way home from work, Bill stops in the 7-11 store about a half mile from our house... In the beginning of August, they put up a display.. He thought Bree would go NUTS over the display...
So, Bill asked the guy who he sees most days when he stops and he told Bill that they would be "done" with the display at the end of the month - he took our phone number down.. Well, sure enough right around Labor Day they called.
Bill picked it up last weekend and set it in the garage and told Bree that one of her "friends" had stopped by and was out in the garage.. She about died when she saw it. She moved furniture around in her room - just to find the "right" place for it.
So, Sunday night's football game was the Indianapolis Colts vs the Chicago Bears. Now, Bree has been talking smack with my Mom (who is an avid Bears fan) all week and they even made a $3 bet... So, Sunday night she brought down her "man" and put her team spirit on and called my Mom and was talking even MORE trash as the game started..
Here's her good friend... Life size,(about 6 feet tall) mind you..

Yeup, It's Peyton Manning - the COOL thing is that if you turn it around, Eli Manning is on the other side - there were points in time during the game that she would "talk" to Peyton, turn it around and tell Eli to tell his Brother to get his act together...
She's eating crow this week since the Bears beat her man and her team...
-sorry for the flash "white-out" in the middle of Peyton the glare was awful!
Now that is funny! And a great picture--good thinkin on the part of the Big Nasty
It sure is and the picture is "historic".
What other grandma has fun like me?
My treasure!
Enjoy Carol alias Ree and also Mom and grandmom to these wonderful girls.
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