So, first is a pair of socks called "Raindrop Lace" by Fiber Trends - love the pattern and am actually going to be starting another pattern by the same designer. The yarn is Pagewood Farms with bamboo in it - it is SO soft! in a neat blue-ish, green-ish, brown-ish color way...

Next is a "modular" scarf called Diamond Blossom - this is a whole new "technique" that I've now completed 3 different designs - I LOVE this technique it is SO SO SO "me" as in being "precise", "right-brained" and all that! I need to find some other designers who do similar stuff as this particular designer does not write patterns well nor has them "test" knit before publishing (or at least it doesn't seem so as all 3 have had numerous errors in them which makes for very frustrating knitting) - Too bad this designer doesn't hire me to test knit - smartest thing she could do knowing how "particular" I am on instructions!
It is made with Mountain Colors Wool in some nice gold fall tones and it is actually a pretty neat design. I didn't make it with anyone in mind, so... You'll never know who might end up with it...

Next up is 2 items to be sent (should be mailed tomorrow) to my favorite newest American Citizen... Can you guess whom? Every "cuddler" should have a "cuddle blanket and cuddle bunny"!!!! The blanket is actuall crocheted kind of using the log cabin principle or per Miss Sarah - the "golden rectangle" theory - It is using Bernat's Cotton Tots in a white varigated and 3 solids that are actually yellow, pink and lavendar - colors in the picture are not accurate. It is a fast, fast, fast project (2-1/2 days) and is roughly 36x44". The bunny is by Farmhouse yarns - Dixie Cotton in a bumpy and is SO soft and little bunny is in a peach color! (Pattern free via Lion Brand)!

And the most current pair of socks - Called Pomatomus - Paige - you should know what that means.. being the under water lover you are.. do you know? This is probably the most complex design of socks I've done to date and I absolutely LOVED doing them!!! They are made with yarn called "Socks That Rock" in the Bleeding Heart (like the flower) colorway - they are awesome!!! There's a previous picture in a below post of when I started them!

And lastly, since I loved the socks above - I immediately started another pattern from the same designer named "Cookie A" and the sock pattern is titled "Monkeys" - I am using Socks That Rock yarn again in a colorway called Foofaraw - which I love saying.. Bree spied them today and she has stated she is claiming them for herself.. We shall see....
Bridget who owns Peggy's made me the most adorable stitch markers (for my birthday) with pretty blue jean/ denim like stones and horse charms! They are fantastic! And I'll be eating good at Applebee's thanks to Jilly Willy and Becky and the gang brought a "too die for cake" (marble with FUDGE inside and chocolate icing) and all sorts of snacks, appetizers and the like yesterday and I think I'm still stuffed! It was fun!
Well, that's all to report for now!