But, life marches on...
And just to prove I have been doing something - here are a few pictures of what has been accomplished!

These socks are called "Monkeys" - you can see the beginning photo on my previous blog post - Bree claimed them (which is a good thing since as I knit them the colorway didn't do anything for me) - but, I do love the yarn - Socks That Rock - Lightweight in the Foofaraw color - Foofaraw, Foofaraw, Foofaraw - I just love SAYING that color name!

The next is a pair of socks just for me! They are by Evelyn Clark - called Waving Lace and the yarn is from Jen and Knitting Like Crazy in the Crazy soft color called Mint Julip - and I must say, this combination of yarn and pattern has to be one of my all time favorites!!!! It is so soft and delicate looking and just lets you see the pattern with adding some dimension with the soft varigation! I can't wait to do another of her patterns...
The next is a project that I like the finished object, but the pattern as written - well is less than to be desired - and I shouldn't be surprised - I did 2 others (see other modular scarf patterns in my blog) by the same designer, in the same book - I am really amazed at how poorly written and edited this book is and the cost of the book on top of it - it should be PERFECT. This scarf calls for 60 yards of 4 colors. Ok, I bought yarn that comes in a 105yard ball. I used ALL 4 skeins COMPLETELY up and had to buy 4 MORE skeins for about 5 yards more of each color - talk about ticking you off! This is the Mirrored Angles Scarf from the Modular Knits book and I used Classic Elite Waterlily yarn in 4 colors - it is a really nice yarn to work with and it has a soft tone on tone color to it - fades and then gets darker.

And of course, Bree decided that the yarn I bought for me was to be "hers" - This is getting to be a common theme... This is Knit1, Crochet2 Soxx Appeal yarn and it is the "wool" version of Cascade Fixation - but, I must admit, I like it better, it is softer, not as "bumpy" and is just nicer in general to work with! I do have a 2nd color for ME and she's not getting that one! LOL! I will definitely be purchasing MORE of this yarn!

And I am in the beginning stages of making this for Bree - she decided going into 5th grade next year should warrant a "real" book bag instead of just a backpack.. I think it iwll be pretty when done!
We leave tomorrow morning for 3 days to the Wisconsin Dells (be back on Thursday) - one of Bree's friend's Dad got 4 free rooms/waterpark passes/etc.. up at the Chula Vista Waterpark Resort and there are 4 Moms and Daughters going - should be fun! I'm trying to figure out what knitting to bring of course - can't take any Cookie A as I want something kind of mindless as I'm sure we'll be visiting, etc..
And, I'm freaking as I ONLY have Bree's Messenger bag on needles - how did I let that happen? I better get cracking!